How to Cut Down your Guest List Without Feeling Guilty!

I understand that the most challenging part of planning a wedding can be creating your guest list. But don’t worry - I’ve got your covered!

I’m going to share some expert advice on how to trim down your guest list without feeling guilty, ensuring that your special day is an intimate and memorable celebration.

Start with a Vision

Before making any cuts to your list, it’s essential to revist your wedding vision. Consider what type of atmosphere and experience you want to create. Defining your priorities will help you make informed decisions about who to invite!

Set a Clear Criteria

Establish a clear criteria for who should be on your guest list. Consider factors such as your relationship with them, the last time you connected, how you feel around that person, and the significance of their presence on your wedding day.

Categorise & Prioritise

Categorise your potential guests into groups like close friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances. Prioritise the people in each category based on the role they’ve played in your life. This will help you and your partner decide how many guests you can invite from each group.

The Plus One Dilemma

Consider where you both stand on plus ones! While it’s courteous to allow guests to bring a date, it’s not obligatory for every guest. You can limit plus ones to those in long term relationships or only for a specific category of your guests.

Invite your Guests to Other Pre Wedding Celebrations

If you have a large extended family or a large social circle, consider hosting small gatherings with different groups before or after the wedding. This way, you can celebrate with everyone without overloading your wedding guest list!


When it comes to explaining your decision to those who didn’t make the cut, honesty is the best policy! Express your desire for an intimate celebration, or that numbers are limited, and emphasise that it’s nothing personal. They will likely appreciate your honestly.

Remember that a smaller guest list often leads to a more meaningful and intimate wedding day. You’ll have more time to connect with each guest and make lasting memories!

If you need help navigating the guest list or any other aspects of the planning stages, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Emily xx


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